Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The me that He died for...

(I WILL get back to the Beatitudes soon...promise)

So this morning I came to Bible time/quiet time/God time - whatever name you give it, feeling seems that over the past few days I've had, what seems, a heighten awareness of my sinfulness.This, I do understand, can be seen as a glorious blessing-when God reveals things in order that He can mould us into His likeness, but currently in my mind, it makes me sad to see how far I still have to go-how far I am from being like my Saviour...
But as I read my Bible this morning I was reminded of a verse that I have read a thousand times before:
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

And it hit me like a lightening bolt...Whilst I look at my life at the moment and can be upset and wonder how can God love me the way I am? will He complete what He started? Is He going to leave me this way because I've stuffed up too many times? This verse tells me something amazing...Jesus didn't die for me the way that I am now, this lass that by His Holy Spirit is being transformed more and more into Christ's likeness, Jesus died for me when I was in my very worst state that I could be in - whilst I was STILL a sinner, with all my worst traits present and still a slave to sin (Romans 6, John 8:34). The implication of the word sinner in this verse isn't someone, like me, who has been saved but still sins, no - the indication is that it is us whist we still had their back turned towards God (or anyone who has their backs still turned towards God) - whilst we were in the very worst state we could be in...Christ died for us THEN, when we were at our, when I was at my very worst. THAT'S how much He loves us.
I then remembered another verse:
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.Phil 1:6
I can see the change that the Holy Spirit has brought into my life. Coming from the point of where I was when He died for me to now which, by His Holy spirit, He is transforming me to become more like Him.This is a good work and because of HIS love and HIS work-its all Him, its ALL grace-this gives me confidence to know He has not finished with me yet and He will carry on until, on that day when He returns (the day of Christ Jesus) and I will see Him and be utterly transformed and be with Him forever.

Christ died for the very worst of me because He could see the very best of me that I was going to become.

Thank you Jesus...That's how amazing grace is...

A little final thought - if God demonstrates His love dying whilst people are still sinners-at their very worst, that means NO ONE is beyond grace - EVERYONE needs Jesus and Jesus dying on the cross is powerful enough to save ANYONE, even in their very worst why don't we tell anyone and everyone??

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