Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. Matt 5:6
To me-this verse is the one out of the Beatitudes that actually makes the most sense.I understand the principle, but with that comes a problem...if I do understand what it means - then why don't I live it out??
But what does it truly mean to hunger and thirst? I do not believe that in some ways in the 'west' we truly understand this concept. I think the closest we come to it is another discipline that God has given us in fasting. I've recently felt prompted to make fasting a regular part of my life and walk with God. So I decided to dive in head off (after making far too many excuses). I tried a week long fast of just liquid, straight off, cold turkey...
I would not recommend this course of action to ANYONE and I will be honest and say I wasn't that successful BUT I did not have a whole meal for the whole week (does saying that mean I lose my reward in heaven??anywho...)But through the experience I did learn about hunger. When I start thought I would have a really loud groaning stomach and it would be lower part of my body that would really be suffering, with a need to just push through that. But that did not happen. Instead I started to feel quite dizzy and light headed. By Tuesday morning I felt the onset of a migraine and general felt just very hadn't struck me in the way I thought it would. I believe it can be like that for us with hunger and thirst for righteousness, because I don't know about you but I am VERY good at beating myself up. At thinking I am not good enough and that I'm not hitting the mark-especially with God. So when I read hunger and thirst for righteousness I was like 'man, I don't at all...sometimes I don't even want righteousness' and whilst that is true some of time I believe as follows of Christ that we do - to one degree or another-but we may not realise it. For example are you finding that before you started following Jesus there were things that you used to do and enjoy it but now...after the years you've gone you don't enjoy it and you would rather be doing something else with your time? An example for me to exaggerating (an acceptable form of lying but it is still lying) and I used to do that all the time to make my stories sound better. But now, I don't enjoy it and I find myself correcting myself if its not the case. Whilst I may not have seen this before-this is hungering for righteousness but I'm wanting my life to be clean, like Christ, righteousness.
Righteousness is everything that Christ is. The Culture of The Kingdom by Billy Humphries puts part of this section beautifully so I will let it do the talking now...
True hunger for righteousness is not satisfied by going a little deeper theologically or slightly cleaning up one's character. Hungering for righteousness is desiring to be possessed by holiness. Holiness is beautiful. It is the fire of God burning with the human soul...The manifestation of holiness is beauty upon you and pleasure within you. This manifestation is also known as righteousness.
Let me illustrate this concept...Anyone who has ever worn a beautiful, expensive piece of jewelry can attest to the fact that, somehow, the piece makes you feel more beautiful...Imagine such a piece of jewellery is a gift to you from your parents or spouse. You'd carry a sense of beauty upon you and within you when wearing it. Inside, your heart would be warmed with pleasure because of the extravagant gift and it would cause you to be drawn to the giver. You are beautified on the outside and filled with pleasure inside. This is what righteousness does in your life. p 33-34.
Sorry if the quote is abit long but I would not have been able to put the point any better myself!!
So be encouraged, the desire for righteousness-even when you do not realise it, it is there. But let it become your life pursuit and, if we do, we receive a promise-we WILL be filled.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...
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