Monday, 7 December 2009

I am a FRIEND of God

Apologies for not writing the blog earlier...realise its been over a week!Sorry.
Over the past couple of weeks there have been many things that have flown around my head to write but all went away again.But now theres one thing that really struck me tonight...and its to do with the title of the piece.
As I was driving back from choir tonight I was thinking about life-what God has got me doing etc and reflecting on a sermon from yesterday about 'destiny detours' and I thought and in my own thoughts I thought about my singleness...25 years of it...and a little bit of my heart started to pang on my ipod comes the song 'I am a friend of God'. The lyrics go like this:
I am a friend of God,
I am a friend of God,
I am a friend of God,
I am a friend of God He calls me friend

Simple but effective...As far as I know its based on Jesus's own words.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.John 15:15

Then it struck me-I am a
FRIEND of God...Yes intimate relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends and marriage I'm sure are wonderful, but at the moment I am SO very very blessed by my friends who God has placed in my life and yet with all of them-I have God who has chosen to be MY friend. He wants to know me, spend time with me, laugh with me...A friend sees you in your very worst and very best moments and still loves you...and God CHOSES to be that with us.As the verse says-We are no longer servants, we are friends-we can know his heart, what he thinks about situations, about us. We can spend as much time with him as we want...He loves us and its up to us to be his Friend...its a 2 way thing for a true friendship. There can be friendships where only one person sees it-but thats not friendship-thats infatuation...God desires friendship with us.
So how can I say I am lonely and am missing intimacy. I can be as intimate as I chose to be with the Saviour of the universe. I AM a friend of God...are you??

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