I was reminded again by God of something truly wonderful, which God lead me to share on Sunday morning so I've decided to put it out there to share with you all...In Isaiah 6v1 it says:
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.
When we were worshipping on Sunday I was reminded of a preach that I heard Duane White speak on this verse and he shared that in the times when this verse would have been written, when a King went to war with another king-whichever King lost-his robe would be cut and would be added to the robe of the victorious King. So do you see?? When the train of his robe fills the temple-He has beaten EVERY enemy, He has been victorious over them ALL and their robes have been added to HIS...he is the victorious one.
So what does that mean for us?? It means Jesus is the ultimate victorious King and He, if He is your King is victorious over all your enemies too, every sickness, every disease, every accusing voice that you tells you that you have no right to enter the kingdom of God or that tells you something that is contradictory to Word of God, you can-in Jesus name disarm and defeat them all because He, our King and Captain already has. By the way-it fills the temple...the Word says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit...just a thought.